UPDATE: Bilderberg 2018 is underway. Here are some interviews from the sidelines of the secretive conference:

Dan Dicks, of Press For Truth, has been covering Bilderberg since 2006. On Day 4, as the conference officially concludes, Dicks discusses the true agenda of the Bilderberg Group, as well as its organizational structure.

On Day 3, Dominique Anglade, the deputy premier of Quebec/minister of economy science and innovation; and Danica Kragic, a professor at Sweden’s Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; answer questions from journalists, primarily about Bilderberg and tech.

In this video shot on Day 2, veteran Bilderberg journalist Luke Rudkowski, of We Are Change, discusses what stands out about the 2018 conference:


From outside the now-closed NH Lingotto Congress Hotel in Turin, Italy, Josh Friedman discusses the preparations going on for the 2018 Bilderberg Conference.

Who will be attending the 2018 meeting and what topics are on Bilderberg’s agenda? Are there any surprise guests? Also, what is interesting about the meeting location and date?



Coverage from earlier in the week:

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