Editor’s Note: Brent Sanders is a lyricist for the band Urban Grey. FreeManPost will be publishing a collection of songs he has written, beginning with Antifa Love.
B) Hate can’t be allowed to prosper in the system —
It must be banned; it must be ostracized!
D) Bigots, racists, vile misogynists,
Sexists, ageists, cis-gender homophobes,
Ablists, rapists, and genocidal Nazis,
Red necks, white men —
You won’t be tolerated
B) Our love, righteous anger, will replace this system —
Your hate be damned in our society!
D) The fists of welcome, the arms of outcry,
The scourge of fascists, we preach the violence
Of love (x2)
D) We protest peacefully
Attacking no one
But those we disagree with
Because their voices hurt
Our over-sensitivity
So when we beat them
We spread the love
Promoting peace
And racial harmony
D) We are antifa, won’t stop at outcry,
Just like the fascists, we use the violence
Of love
B) Love
D) Love to hate, love to hate you
B) Violence
D) Of love
B) We are antifa
D) Love to hate, love to hate
B) Embrace antifa