News in Brief

Clinton Cleans Up in S. Carolina

Frontrunner Hillary Clinton claimed nearly 75 percent of the vote in South Carolina’s Democratic presidential primary on Saturday. With 100 percent of precincts reporting, Clinton received 73.5 percent of the

Christie Throws Weight Behind Trump

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who recently dropped out of the U.S. presidential race, endorsed leading Republican candidate Donald Trump on Friday. Christie became the first prominent, currently-seated U.S. politician

U.S. Justice Scalia Dies

Conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead on Saturday. He was 79. Scalia died in a presidential election year, leaving it up in the air who will

Christie, Fiorina Exit Race

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina have bowed out of the race for the 2016 Republican nomination for president. Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio,

Trump, Sanders Take New Hampshire

The polls closed and Trump and Sanders were already declared the winners by AP, NBC and CNN.  Kasich has the early lead for 2nd place followed by Bush on the GOP side.

EU Translators Go Crazy

Secretary General of the European Parliament Kluass Welle is instructing parliament members to slow down while they speak and to talk in their mother tongues, EU Observer reports. MEPs must

Merkel Approval Drops

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s job approval fell from 58 percent to 46 percent in the monthly “Deutschlandtrend” polls commissioned by public broadcaster ARD, Deutsche Welle reports. Also, 81 percent of those polled

Republican Field Narrows

U.S. presidential candidates Rand Paul, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee have dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination. Santorum has endorsed Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who finished third