News in Brief

A Judicial Killing in Yemen

A Saudi-led coalition airstrike has killed the judge who prosecuted Saudi-backed and now-exiled Yemeni President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi, CNN reports. The airstrike hit the home of Yemeni Judge Yahya Rubaid, killing

Assad Retakes Rabia

Aided by Russian air strikes, Syrian government troops and “popular defense” forces seized the town of Rabia, BBC reports. Rabia was the last major town rebels controlled in Syria’s western

Migrants Storm UK-bound Ship

Several hundred migrants stormed the French port of Calais on Saturday, and about 50 of them boarded a UK-bound ship, CNN reports. Police arrested 35 people, 24 of whom were

American student arrested in North Korea

North Korean authorities have arrested an American university student who was in Pyongyang with a China-based travel company, CNN reports. Otto Frederick Warmbier is accused of committing “a hostile act”

Putin to Obama: Congratulations on July 4

Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a message to U.S. President Barack Obama congratulating him on American Independence Day, a Kremlin press release states.

Ding Dong the UKIP Dick Is Gone

Mr. Cameron’s Conservative party has won a landslide victory in the recent UK elections. Such a wide majority was expected by very few sources. While not all might agree with