Daniel Palin

The Quiet Energy Revolution

We are currently experiencing something very remarkable. This is something that is either deliberately overlooked, or simply not considered to be part of the debate by individuals organisations and movements

Wither Democracy?

In 1992, Francis Fukuyama’s The End of History and the Last Man was published. The conclusion that he, in this book, had come to was that the course of history

Bitcoin: In G-D, and Beanie Babies, we Trust

  Bitcoin has suddenly become all the rage at the time of writing at the beginning of 2018 and 5778. Although it is not something new, having been around since

WTF Are… The Top 18 Genders to Be?

[fusion_text]You probably thought, when reading the headline that this was something explaining which gender identities are superior and why. Those on the right would assume that this article will promote

Who the F*** is Donald Trump?

Seriously, who does he think he is? All that we can know from Mr. Trump’s behaviour is that is a very insecure and unpleasant man. Judgement calls aside, let’s find